About Me

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Hey y'all! Well first off I'm Melody Rose and I'm a local here in GS alabama. I created this blog to tell people about our little paradise, Gulf Shores! I'm unbiased, so I promise you everything on here is real and the truth. I will not lie, or make something sound better than it is or worse than it is. I've realized how many people just are in love with Gulf Shores, so I though I'd start this blog to update y'all, let you know about great food (or horrible food), fun things to do for everyone, and soo much more. :)

Jul 1, 2011

How to Relieve Pain from Jellyfish Sting

There's been a ton of jellyfish out there in our gulf lately attacking the hell outta us. Being a local I'm pretty used to it, last week I was in there and got stung 10 times but I stayed in the water having a good time (honestly I can't resist playing in the water with big waves and dangerous currents, I find it fun.)
   Anyways, here's what ya gotta do to relieve the stinging itchy pain once one attacks you, get a credit card, if one isn't available get a somewhat large shell or a large-ish piece of a broken shell, then scrape the area where the jellyfish got you, (this removes any tentacles that could still be on you that cause pain) after that mix salt water with meat tenderizer. Yes, meat tenderizer. Rub this mixture on the sting and it will stop the stinging pain. DO NOT put fresh water on it. Don't do it at all. Fresh water makes the pain even worse. Most of the time I don't realize I was stung until I get home and shower and feel intense stinging from the fresh water. But yeah, no fresh water for about 30 minutes after the sting.
   Note: If you are stung by a man-o-war (pretty blue and purple jellyfish, absolutely gorgeous) go to lifeguard or call 911 immediately, these jellyfish could cause upset stomach and heart issues. But the regular pinkish/clearish jellys are okay, just a little painful. You'll live...hopefully :)

XOXO - Melody Rose

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